Saturday, November 22, 2014

More from Viera

It was too rainy to go out and play today, instead I stayed in and messed with the new camera. Here are some additional pictures from our trip to Viera on Monday.

 A Coot.
A Great Egret
I don't know what the Eagle was nomming on, but the Grackle was picking on him the whole time the Eagle was trying to eat.
 This is the Eagle picking the feathers off his dinner.
A Great Blue Heron posed nice for me.
A Cormorant also posed nice.

Come out and shoot some pix yourself next time! I will be doing manatee watch tomorrow (Sunday) at 3:00 if anyone wants to come out, email or text me!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Local walk

This wasn't an official DeeMotivation walk, just a stroll around town, but just goes to show you that you can find cool stuff just wandering the neighborhood.

This is a Common Buckeye.
This is a Mockingbird performing some personal maintenance.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Viera Wetlands

I went birding in the Viera wetlands with Lana today. She graciously let me try out her 150-600 lens. See some of the results below.

 A Belted Kingfisher, taken with my regular 75-300 lens.
A White Ibis, taken with my regular 75-300 lens.
A Shrike, taken with the 150-600 lens.
 A Shrike, taken with the 150-600 lens.
3 Sandhill Cranes, taken with the 150-600 lens.
3 Sandhill Cranes, taken with the 150-600 lens.
3 Sandhill Cranes, taken with the 150-600 lens.
2 Pied-bill Grebes taken with the 150-600 lens.
2 White Ibis taken with the 150-600 lens.
A Green Heron, taken with my regular 75-300 lens.
An Eagle having breakfast, taken with my regular 75-300 lens.
A Soft-shell Turtle, taken with my regular 75-300 lens.

I plan to get out every day I am on leave, but might not always remember to post here where I'll be, so email or text me if you want to go out but don't see anything listed here! Hope to see you out there!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Manatee Watch

Here are pictures from the last 2 manatee watches. Although it's been to warm for the manatees to hang out, there was plenty of cool stuff to see out there. I do manatee watch every Thursday at noon, and every Sunday at 3. Come out and join me for manatees and walk! It's lots of fun, even if you don't see manatees:

I love Turkey Vultures, they just look so pretty flying.
Here's one just sitting and posing nice.
This is an Osprey catching some dinner.
Same Osprey.
 He was a very photogenic Osprey.
This is good/bad. On Thursday, as shown here, there were hundreds of fish swimming around having a grand old time.

And you know what? You can have a grand old time to if you GOYB and come out and join me! Hope to see you on a manatee watch soon!