Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hi, All!

Welcome to the new and improved website/blog. I was unhappy with a few things on the old blog, and decided to consolidate and clean things up. I have moved all of the posts and comments over from the old blog. I'm also hoping that this blog will get more hits than the old one. It should be much easier to post comments to this blog, you should not be required to create an account and all the other annoying things the old blog requested. Please let me know if you have any problems leaving comments.

Another change I made (which I'm hoping won't get abused -- haha) is that instead of having the deemotivation twitter account linked, I deleted that account so now, anyone can contribute to the Right Now! section. To participate, simply post a 5-minute activity or link to a song or video to your own twitter account and include the keyword #deemotivationfcgoya -- the tweet will automatically show up here in the blog. It is my solemn promise that I will do every task that is listed there. In fact, in an effort to get other people to contribute, I hereby officially promise to take pictures of myself doing any activity tweeted by someone else.

And, finally, I plan to get back to blogging more regularly. Please let me know if you have any topics you would like to read about. People seem to enjoy my "stupid Dee stories" the best, and alas, there is certainly no shortage of them, but I'm not sure how motivational they are, other than the "there but for the grace of [insert your deity of choice here] go I" factor. But let me know your thoughts!

As always, thanks for any feedback!