Monday, September 26, 2011

New and Improved Monday Textercises!

Hi! As promised, and as requested, I have added in a few new things this week. Where the work outs are getting longer, I am trying to separate out into upper and lower body with a little core thrown in every day. Let me know any questions/concerns.

Warm Ups:

  • ARM: Arms/upperbody (I like her suggestion to use soup cans if you don't have dumbbells)
  • CRU: Crunches
  • PU: Pushups
    Note: Some people prefer to do them "girly style" where you start on your knees, but I can't do them that way cause of my knee issues. What ever works best for you.
Stuff that will make you call me names:
  • LC: Leg Climbers
    Note: The scrawny twits in the video make this look easy, but they are HELL.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

SSSOS (Still Sweaty Six on Sunday) Walk

Man, it was steamy out there today! But as always it was a very cool walk. The butterflies were out in full bloom today. If you didn't GOYB, here's what you missed today! (As always, click a photo to enlarge)

 This was the very first thing we saw today - not an auspicious beginning! We have no idea whatsoever what it was. We are open to suggestions.
 A Gulf Fritilary (I think?)
 I think this is a Viceroy (I don't remember my butterflies)
 This is a Millipede. The next time I gripe about the price of sneakers I will think of him and just be glad that I don't have to purchase 500 pairs of them.
 A cute little female fiddler crab.
 A White Peacock butterfly. Note that something took a chunk out of one of her wings.
 Heather, in a lovely matching skirt and Jelly Fish ensemble.
 This was a HUGE jelly fish, apparently dead, that had washed up on shore.
 I love the look on his face -- It just screams, "What choo talkin' bout, Willet??"
 A Cloudless Sulpher
 I think this was a dead sanderling.
 There were a bunch of dead fish today. This is write where the osprey hangs out, so we are thinking he just is a sloppy eater.
 Awwwww a cute widdle inch worm!
 I have no idea what kind of butterfly this is. He was the tiniest one I've seen, maybe 1/2-3/4 inch. Really pretty though.
On our way back, we noticed that the vultures had been snacking, but we still couldn't figure out what the heck thing is. I was guessing Chukacabra, but most like not!

Hope you join us for a future SOS walk. We will also start doing bike rides again once the weather cools down. Remember, you will never really experience life sitting on your couch! Come out and join us!